Record of the meso- and neoholocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Jesionowa landslide peat bog (Beskid Sądecki MTS. Polish Outer Carpathians)
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Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, A. Mickiewicza Ave. 33, 31-120, Kraków, Poland
GADAM Centre of Excellence, Institute of Physics, Silesian University of Technology, Krzywoustego Str. 2, 44-100, Gliwice, Poland
Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lubicz str. 46, 31-120, Kraków, Poland
Online publication date: 2011-03-20
Publication date: 2011-06-01
Geochronometria 2011;38(2):138-154
The paper presents an analysis of depositional sequences of landslide peat bog situated in the depressions developed within the landslide landforms Jesionowa in the Beskid Sądecki Mts. (Outer Carpathians). The peat bog, with depositional sequence 2.80 m long, started to form at the beginning of the Atlantic Phase ca. 6390–5910 cal BC. Palynological and lithological analyses as well as several (14) radiocarbon age determinations of different horizons in the sediments enabled the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Meso-and Neoholocene. The increase in climate humidity at the beginning of the Subboreal and Subatlantic Phases was observed as delivery of minerogenic material to the peat bog basin and formation of a mineral horizon and an illuvial level within the peat. The particularly intensive delivery of allochthonous material to the peat bog took place at the beginning of the Subboreal Phase and was the result of both significant humid climate and increased human impact (colonization of the Funnel Beaker Culture) in the landslide area. Similar influence of younger colonisations of landslide area (Przeworsk Culture and, later, Valachian colonisation) was also recorded within the deposits of peat bog (illuvial and mineral horizons) in the early Subatlantic Phase. Rejuvenation of the landslide zone and formation of the younger landslide were connected with the increase in climate humidity at the beginning of the Subboreal Phase. The peat bog deposits situated within this younger landslide, which are ca. 1.8 m thick, are significantly contaminated with mineral material.
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