Instructions for Reviewers

Papers submitted to Geochronometria should be concerned with methods of absolute dating. The scope of Geochronometria extends over a wide range of studies in the area of absolute chronology and their application in different fields of earth and other natural sciences, including archaeology.

In the following we outline general guidelines for referees. We appreciate the work of the referees whose efforts contribute to the appropriate quality of published manuscript.

During the process of submission of the review the referee will be asked the following questions:
Is the subject of global importance? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Is the subject of regional importance? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Are the methods used adequately described? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Does the abstract adequately reflect the content of the paper? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Are the interpretations and conclusions based on scientific evidence? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Should the organisation of the paper be improved? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Is the presentation clear enough for an international, interdisciplinary audience? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Are the illustrations clear and helpful? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Are the tables germane to the topics they describe? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Are the references adequate? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Should the language be improved? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)
Would you suggest any additions and deletions? (1–yes, 2–partially, 3–no)

The detailed reviews should be submitted to the journal electronically via the Editorial System as plain text.

The recommendations are:
Minor revision
Major revision

If the referee wishes to make annotations in the pdf or word file, please contact the Editor.
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