Aims and scope

Geochronometria serves as a platform for scientists who specialize in different methods of absolute chronology, aiming to foster interdisciplinary collaboration. These methods are applicable in a variety of fields such as earth sciences, natural sciences, and archaeology.

The journal focuses on both physical methods like radiocarbon dating, isotopic methods, and luminescence, as well as non-physical methods like dendrochronology and varve chronology. These techniques find applications in diverse scientific disciplines, including but not limited to geology, palaeoclimatology, palaeobiology, and palaeohydrology. The unique aspect of Geochronometria lies in its ability to facilitate easy exchange of information. It provides insights into the potential and limitations of various chronological methods, thereby encouraging the sharing of expertise to solve specific scientific problems. Moreover, the journal stimulates the formulation of new ideas for the further development and application of these chronological methods.
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