Evolution of small valley mire in central Poland as a result of hydroclimatic oscillations
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Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Maków Polnych 16, 61-606, Poznań, Poland
Centre for Ecological Research, Dziekanów Leśny, Polish Academy of Sciences, 05-092, Lomianki, Poland
Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Science, Twarda 51/55, 00-818, Warszawa, Poland
Przedsiębiorstwo Geologiczne Sp. z o.o., Hauke Bosaka 3A, 25-214, Kielce, Poland
Institute of Geography, Department of Quaternary Studies and Nature Conservation, University of Humanistic and Nature Science of Kielce, Świętokrzyska 15, 25-406, Kielce, Poland
Online publication date: 2012-03-17
Publication date: 2012-06-01
Geochronometria 2012;39(2):133-148
This paper demonstrates the results of analyses of Cladocera, pollen, plant macrofossil, lithological and radiocarbon data recovered from a mire located in the Rawka River valley in central Poland. These studies permit to recognise the development of hydrology phases in Kopanicha mire and give insight into Holocene fluvial dynamics of the system; radiocarbon dating partly allowed da-ting of the patterns of Holocene valley floor development of the Rawka River. The Kopanicha mire was formed during the Atlantic period. At that time, an oxbow lake formed, becoming a mire during the Subboreal and possibly Subatlantic periods. The high sensitivity of the oxbow lakes, fens, fauna, and flora remains to climate variations - especially to changes in water level connected with the ag-gradation-erosion cycle of rivers - allows the reconstruction of the palaeoecological changes that oc-curred in the mire. The frequency and timing of hydroclimatic oscillations at Kopanicha show strong similarities to records from other sites in Poland. Changes in Cladocera frequency and plant assem-blages were mostly influenced by the Rawka River which controlled the hydrological regime of the mire. The main factors controlling the presence of Cladocera taxa were the water level and the pres-ence of favourable conditions in the mire (e.g. pH, vegetation). Most of the changes occurred in re-sponse to climate changes, but some of them were connected with local factors.
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