Geochronology and Palaeomagnetic Records of the Snaigupėlė Section in South Lithuania
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Nature Research Centre, Institute of Geology and Geography, Akademijos str. 2, 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania
Saint Petersburg State University, 10th Line, 33/35, V.O., 199178 St. Petersburg, Russia
Submission date: 2015-04-26
Acceptance date: 2015-09-02
Online publication date: 2015-11-10
Geochronometria 2015;42(1):172-181
The interglacial deposits in the South Lithuanian Snaigupėlė outcrop and borehole Snaigupėlė-705 are marked for different bedding conditions though the sections are in proximity of each other. In the borehole section, the interglacial deposits are thicker and bedding at a greater depth than the analogous deposits of the outcrop. In the Snaigupėlė outcrop, the highest compatibility of isochronic-correction dates, calculated using L/L (method of leaching) and TSD (method of total sample dissolution) models, was determined for combination of three samples. With the help of the f value (section of isochrones in the axis of ordinates), the contribution of the primary pollution with thorium was determined where, as based on corrected analytical data, isochronic-correction dating was performed: 127+18-14 ka years for the L/L model and 132+22-16 ka for the TSD model. Palaeomagnetic investigations showed that the section of lacustrine sediments in the lower part of Snaigupėlė outcrop were orientated by reversed magnetic excursion and in the upper part by normal magnetic polarity. Collation of the obtained data with the global geomagnetic scale showed that the palaeomagnetic in-version observed in the Snaigupėlė section was related with the Blake Event in the Eemian Interglacial.
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