TL Ages of Loesses from the Last Two Glacials in Se Poland
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Department of Physical Geography and Palaeogeography, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Al. Kraśnicka 2 D, 20-718 Lublin, Poland
Online publication date: 2007-05-01
Publication date: 2007-07-01
Geochronometria 2007;27:33-40
Loesses cover a large area in SE Poland so their exploration is an important part of the palaeogeographical studies on Pleistocene. The research involves stratigraphic problems. At present, luminescence dating provides the greatest number of chronostratigraphic data concerning loesses. In this work we report TL ages of loesses from the last two glacial cycles in SE Poland, obtained in the TL Laboratory of the Department of Physical Geography and Palaeogeography, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin after 1993. Samples for TL dating were collected in 11 loess profiles (2-9 samples in each site) in order to obtain additional information for stratigraphic interpretations deduced from paleopedological, lithological, structural, and other data. Basing on the comparison of 54 TL ages, we can determine age intervals, in which the dating results of similar values assemble, and then get general information about the periods of intensified Aeolian accumulation related to defined stratigraphic units. The TL ages of all samples were obtained using the total-bleach method (TB) for the determination of the equivalent dose.
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