Tree-Ring Chronology of Silver Fir and Its Dependence on Climate of the Kaszubskie Lakeland (Northern Poland)
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Department of Dendrometry and Forest Productivity, Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW, Nowoursynowska 159 b. 34, 02-787 Warszawa
Online publication date: 2010-03-18
Publication date: 2010-01-01
Geochronometria 2010;35:91-94
The current paper presents investigation of the response of silver firs growing near Kartuzy in the Kaszubskie Lakeland (northern Poland) to climate conditions. Tree-ring width series covering the period of 1914-2006 were built and correlated with mean monthly temperature and precipitation. Dependence of the growth of analysed firs on winter, early spring and summer temperature was observed. Significant relation to moisture availability was detected only for January. Analysis of pointer years revealed similar driving forces that were obtained by correlation and response function investigation. Reaction of firs from the Kaszubskie Lakeland to the extreme climate conditions is analogous to the exhibited at other sites of this species localised outside distribution range. Investigated silver firs seem to have found favourable growth conditions in the studied area and further cultivation of that species in northern Poland may turn to be successful.
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